About Kaija Ozola
I enjoy working one-to-one with professionals to communicate in English with confidence and ease. Perfecting your English is about knowing how to use the language effectively to convey your message and achieve your goals.
My strengths are communication, diplomacy, and persuasion, to navigate a conversation successfully by expressing my thoughts logically and understandably. My professional experience spans the public, non-profit and private sectors.
Originally from the U.S., I've lived and worked in Latvia, Spain, Germany, France, Moldova, Georgia, and other countries.
My professional career began in diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Latvia. In my capacity, as Head of the Dept for International Organizations, my responsibilities included preparing for Latvia's membership to the Council of Europe, and the development and adoption of the National Latvian Language Programme and Law on Latvian Citizenship.
I have organized and spoken at international conferences with 500+ participants, developed strong skills in high-level negotiations, which also included consecutive interpretation and translation for the highest offices of government and parliament in Latvia.
I was appointed by the Latvian government to establish the Latvian National Human Rights Office (Ombudsman) and received a Commendation Award from the Minister of Foreign Affairs for my role in strengthening human rights in Latvia.
Based on this experience, I worked as a human rights and institutional development consultant for the United Nations Human Rights Commission and Council of Europe.
Later, as the Director of the Center for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), my role was to advocate on behalf of the sector, to promote understanding and civic participation. By government appointment the Center led a working group to draft a new Law on Non-Profits and Charitable organizations, and secure its adoption by Parliament.
In recent years, I focused on client relations management in the IT and luxury tourism sectors.
The common denominator in my experience is communication. I enjoy and want to work with people to improve their skills to communicate in English. One-to-one, in person or on-line.